News has come through of the death of Michel Baud of the Louvre, and shortly the Sorbonne, at the early age of 49. It is always shocking when one's younger colleagues suddenly disappear. He was a very pleasant fellow, and we had the honour of working on a paper of his for our Cambridge Old Kingdom conference. You can learn more about him and his recent work in Nubia at this URL:

The news has also come of the passing of Manfred Görg at the less unusual age of 74. The following comes from a post by Stefan Wimmer:

Professor Dr. Dr. Manfred Görg has died in Munich/Germany on Monday, 17th September.

He was an Old Testament scholar and an Egyptologist, as well as a Roman Catholic priest, founder and chairman of the "Friends of Abraham Society" for Ancient Near Eastern studies and interfaith dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims, and a person who impressed all who knew him with vast knowledge, firm principles and integrity, and infinite open-mindedness.

Among the last of his more than 1500 books and articles was the presentation of what he and others believe to be the first attestation of the ethnonym "Israel", in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Egyptologists are most likely to have come across him via the series he founded "Ägypten und altes Testament"

Please direct mails to: <[email protected]>.

[A Wiki notice about Manfred Görg is at